become a certified professional in
cyber security

cyber security is the aspect of protecting an orgaination and its employees assets against cyber threats

course details

The cybersecurity course provides comprehensive details on various aspects of cybersecurity, covering topics such as network security, ethical hacking, data protection, and risk management. Students will gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills necessary to protect digital assets, detect vulnerabilities, and mitigate cyber threats.

Topics Covered

Security Principles

Access Controls

Access Controls

Network Security

Security Operations

5 Weeks

Mondays & Thursdays(10am - 2:30am)

Saturday(11am - 1pm)

Virtual live classes$1,000

who should attend

  • 1. Those who are switching career to cybersecurity industry.
  • 2. Those who have no prior knowledge on cybersecurity but want to learn how to build website and work remotely.
  • 3. For individuals with programming skills seeking to elevate their abilities through practical projects, the cyber course offers an opportunity to take their expertise to the next level..

Taught by Experienced Experts

our Instructors are experienced practitioners who work at the world's most innovative companies. They're experts in their field, and enter the classroom with years of experience making sure you're learning the most up-to-date and practical skills companies around the world need.

Oluwadamilola Olajuyigbe


Oluwatiroye Amoye


Contact us

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Contact Number

443-768-8300 / 443-600-4337

WhatsApp Number


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Our Location

5671 Baltimore MD, 21060

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